Tips to Help Repair Damaged Cornice- Suggestions by an Expert

If you are looking forward to repairing the cornice we are here to help you. Although we will suggest you get in touch with professional cornice repair experts in the next few lines we have summed up few tips so that if there is a need for minor repairs you can follow them till the time you are able to find cornice repair experts. Remember these guidelines are meant for small fixes. Have a look:

Prep Work

First clean up the area which needs to be fixed. Remove dirt or plaster particles which have accumulated on the surface. Soak up a sponge and use it to clean the surface. Cut out Styrofoam to the exact length of the cornice which needs to be fixed. Meanwhile keep an eye on the thickness of the Styrofoam to ensure it doesn’t exceed the thickness of the cornice.

Repairing a Damaged Cornice

Take plasterboard adhesive and apply it on the cornice gap using the taping knife. Next, apply the adhesive on surface of the Styrofoam and smoothen it up with the help of the taping knife. Allow the adhesive to dry for at least one day. If some portion of the adhesive sticks out, sand it down using sandpaper. Does this appear complicated to you? We are sure you have started to feel how complicated the processes really are. Hence we recommend you call up cornice ceiling repair experts in Perth. Do you have the plaster container somewhere near? Watch out for the instructions as mentioned on it. Take water and make a blend using plaster. Now, apply this mixture on the adhesive. Carefully follow the curves and shapes of the cornice.

Apply Another Coating of Plaster

Since plasters are frail by nature they will often shrink or crack. That’s why we will recommend a second coat of plaster to add to the strength of the repaired surface.

Finishing Touch

If you find out that the surface lacks a finish, redefine the surface using a chisel or sand paper. Now, wipe up the cornice using a damp sponge. Allow it to dry.

Apply Paint on the Surface

If you want to maintain an even look of the cornice paint it entirely. We will recommend you purchase good quality paint and apply it throughout the cornice in order to maintain the looks and feel of it. Remember the paint you choose for adding colour to the cornice must be of great quality. Paint helps protect the surface from various harsh elements.

Now, you can make out why a vast majority of householders prefer hiring cornice and ceiling fixing experts in Perth. With extensive knowledge in the field of cornice and ceiling repair, they surely know the trade better than a commoner.


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